Small Biz Branding Techniques: Communication Improvement

Small Business Branding > Reaching Your Audience

In our last blog, we explored some of the best ways your small business can brand itself, from its communications to your website and beyond. There are so many different ways in which your communications speak to your customer and your brand, which is why we’re dedicating this article to exploring how you can improve your brand’s communication strategy, and not just when it comes to grammar and spelling. As we explore these techniques for improving communication strategy all around, protect your business with a comprehensive Business Owners Policy (BOP).

Gear your content and communication towards a need.

The Statistic Brain Research Institute found that the average attention span in 2015 is 8.25 seconds and only 4% of page views on the internet last longer than 10 minutes. Therefore, it gets crucial for marketers to provide relevant and compelling content to their customers to hold their attention. A content strategy that focuses on the needs, pain points, and triggers of the customers can only give positive results. There are many ways to identify needs of the customers such as customer surveys, research, and creation of customer personas based on their buying habits.

Brand yourself as the expert.

Sharing quality content on your blog means that you can promote customers to become brand advocates on your behalf. Lay the foundation for a knowledgeable voice and focus and target social media users that align with your brand and ideal demographic.

Focus on quality.

This goes beyond just ensuring every piece of communication sent from your business is flawless. If your service or product you’re selling is consistent and high quality, the branding will speak for itself. Quality communication, blogs, interactions and products are the boost your small business needs to increase brand awareness. Don’t underestimate the power of a great review: the more the merrier.

Increase your marketing channels.

Less is more, as the saying goes, but not when it comes to marketing channels. The more channels you can conquer, the more engagement you can promote. Be sure to post consistent, quality and error-free content on these channels.

Multichannel marketing enables the brands to attract, create, sustain, and increase their loyal customer base. By using a multi-channel marketing strategy, your brand can reach a wider audience, and can reinforce your organization’s message.

Some of the best channels include a website, social media platforms, email marketing and allowing mobile access to these sites.

In our next blog, we’ll cover the ways in which your brand can embody a persona. Stay tuned!

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